Moby Grape

Vinyl Records and Rare LPs:

20 Granite Creek
Used - LP - RS 6460
Stunning 1971 White Label Promo. LP Appears Glossy, Unplayed. more
20 Granite Creek
New - LP - RS 6460
Sealed 1971 Original. Tiny CC. “The Story Of Moby Grape Has Been Told And Re-Told Countless Times, With Its Tales Of Excess, Mismanagement, And Record Company Screwups. By The End Of The '60s The Grape Was All But Finished -- Or So Everyone Thought. After An Aborted Attempt At A Peter Lewis Solo Album, Producer David Rubinson Was Able To Help Engineer This Re-Formation Of All Five Original Members, Along With Extra Member Gordon Stevens On Various Stringed Instruments. Written And Recorded At The Grape's Communal House In The Santa Cruz Mountains, The Results Of The Experiment Rendered 20 Granite Creek, An Album That Is Rightfully The Successor To The First Album (1967's Moby Grape). One Of The Most Shining Examples Is Peter Lewis' Funky And Fast "Goin' Down To Texas," Which Clearly Illustrates The Power Moby Grape Had In This, One Of The Original Three-Guitar Lineups. Skip Spence, Who Was One Of The More Interesting Writers In The Band, Contributes One Song, The Delicate And Gorgeous Oriental-Sounding "Chinese Song." The Whole Record Is Quite Similar In Feel To The Doors' L.A. Woman, Another Truly Great, Homemade Comeback Album. Of Course, It Didn't Sell Anything. A True Crime In A Never-Ending Saga.” Matthew Greenwald, AMG. more
20 Granite Creek
Used - LP - RS 6460
1971 Original Still In Shrink. A Later Effort From The Original Members Of This Iconic San Francisco Band That Shines Through And Offers Up Some Good Songs. more
Grape Jam
Audiophile - Used - SFS 04801K
Rare Half-Speed Mastered Version. Cut Corner. Bottom Right Corner Dent. First Half-Speed Mastered Copy We Have Ever Had In Stock. Glossy Vinyl. more
Grape Jam
New - LP - MGS 1
Sealed 1967 360 Stereo Original Featuring Al Kooper And Mike Bloomfield. Jacket Has Very Feint Wear On The Front And The Rear Has "Thomas M. Smith" Printed In Red Ink. LP Is Sealed In Inner Baggy And Has 1A/2A Stampers. more
Grape Jam
Used - LP - MGS 1
1967 "360 Sound" Stereo Original Featuring Al Kooper And Mike Bloomfield. 2C/1C Stampers. Appears Unplayed. more
Grape Jam / Wow
New - LP - MGS 1 / CS 9613
Factory Sealed 2LP Package. We Assume These Are Both 360 Stereo Label Originals Which Were Sealed Togther. Both Albums Come In Their Original Jackets With Original Catalogue Numbers. more
Grape Jam / Wow
New - LP - MGS 1 / CS 9613
Factory Sealed 2LP Package. For A Very Short While These Two 360 Stereo Label Originals Were Sealed Together As A Package (Some Were Released With A Custom Blue Sticker And Separate Catalogue Number-CSX 3) Which Has Sold On epay At Almost $500. Both Albums Come In Their Original Jackets With Original Catalogue Numbers. A Rare Piece From One Of The Versatile Bands To Come Out Of The San Francisco Bay Area. more
Grape Jam / Wow
New - LP - SFS 04801
Sealed 1977 more
Grape Jam / Wow
New - LP - SFS 04801K / SFS 04801M
Sealed 2LP Package. Both Albums Come In Their Original Jackets With Original Catalog Numbers (Both Titles Were Originally Released On Columbia 360 Stereo Labels And Also Came Out As A Sealed Together 2LP Package That Sells In The $300-$500 Range). A Rare Piece From One Of The Most Versatile Bands To Come Out Of The San Francisco Bay Area. more
Grape Jam / Wow
New - LP - SFS 04801 / SFS 04801
Sealed 1977 2LP Package. Each LP Individually Housed In Its Own Jacket But Sealed Together As One Package. The Original 1977 Tower Records Price Tag Is Still On The Shrink Wrap. more
Live Grape
New - LP - ESAIA
Sealed 1978 Original Recorded Live At The Shady Grove, San Francisco And The Inn Of The Beginning, Cotati. Jerry Miller, Lead Guitar; Peter Lewis, Rhythm Guitar; Skip Spence, Rhythm Guitar; Cornelius Bumpus, B-3 And Tenor Sax; Christian Powell, Bass; John Oxidine, Drums; Danile Spencer, Drums On "Love You So Much." Tiny Corner Ding. more
Moby Grape
Used - LP - CS 9498
70's Pressing With The Offending Finger Airbrushed From The Front Cover. No Poster. more
Moby Grape
Used - LP - CS 9498
1971 With the offending finger airbrushed from the front cover in shrink. Includes mint poster. The self-titled debut album of Moby Grape was released in 1967, the album features a unique take on rock music that incorporates elements of folk, blues, and psychedelic music. The band's signature sound is defined by the interplay between the three lead guitarists, which creates a dynamic and rich sound that sets them apart from other bands of the era. The album features several standout tracks, including "Omaha," "Fall on You," and "8:05." These songs showcase the band's impressive musicianship and their ability to create catchy, memorable tunes. The album is also notable for its use of harmonies, which give the songs a warm, inviting feel. Moby Grape's self-titled debut is a slice of the San Francisco sound and notable in the rock pantheon. more
Moby Grape
Audiophile - LP - SFS 04805
Limited Edition Half-Speed Master Of The 1967 Album Featuring The Uncensored Full Bird Cover. A Perfect Album To Play Between Your Grateful Dead And Jefferson Airplane Records. This Is Number 12563. more
Moby Grape
New - LP - CL 2698
Sealed, Rare 1967 Mono Original With Uncensored "Finger" Cover Photo. Demo Sticker On Front Cover. Also Includes The Giant Color Poster Also Featuring The Offending Finger. LP Is Sealed In The Inner Poly Bag. 1C/1D Stampers. more
Moby Grape
Used - LP - CS 9498
1967 360 Stereo Original Which Includes The Rare Poster. This Is The Edited Cover Art Version In Which Don Stevenson's Middle Finger Has Been Air Brushed Out Of The Photo. Front Jacket Cover Art Has Very Light Wear (Not Ring Wear). more
Moby Grape
Audiophile - LP - LP 5225
Sealed And Withdrawn 2007 Limited Edition 180gm HQ Mono Reissue With The Poster. This Title Was Quickly Withdrawn Due To The Offending Finger Just As The Original Was Similarly Withdrawn In 1967. more
Moby Grape
Used - LP - CS 9498
Beautiful 1967 360 Stereo Original Still In Shrink Wrap. Includes The Rare Fold Out Poster Of The Album Cover. This Is The Edited Cover Art Version In Which Don Stevenson's Middle Finger Has Been Air Brushed Out Of The Photo. more
Moby Grape
Used - LP - CS 9498
1967 Stereo "360 Sound" Original With The Rare Cover Which Shows The Offending Finger. Shrink Wrap Is Intact. Jacket Has Crisp Corners. Also Includes The Original Giant 36x24 Color Poster. 1F/1F Stampers. more
Moby Grape
New - LP - ED 137
Sealed, Long Of Print UK Reissue Featuring The Original Mono Mix. Cover Photo Shows The Finger That Was Almost Immediately Airbrushed Out On U.S. Copies. Pristine Copy. more
Moby Grape
Audiophile - LP - SFS 04805
Sealed Limited Edition Half-Speed Master Of The 1967 Album Featuring The Uncensored, Withdrawn Full Bird Cover. This Is Number 12180. The Original Tower Records Price Tag Is Still Intact On The Shrink Wrap. more
Moby Grape
Audiophile - LP - SFS 04805
Sealed Limited Edition Half-Speed Master Of The 1967 Album Featuring The Uncensored, Withdrawn, Full Bird Cover. This Is Number 7497. more
Moby Grape "1984 Reunion"
Picture Disc - Used - SFS04830
1983 US Certified, Limited Numbered Edition Picture Disc Pressing, Housed In A Gatefold Jacket. Jacket Shows Some Light Edge Wear. Original Shrink Wrap Retained Inside Gatefold. Grape Going Country-Rock! more
Moby Grape '69
Used - LP - CS 9696
1969 2-eye original complete with the printed Columbia innersleeve. Glossy, VG++/EX vinyl. Thin piece of scotch tape across the jacket mouth. "After the top-heavy overproduction of Wow and the meandering, aimless improvisations on Grape Jam, Moby Grape seemed to be getting back into the groove with their fourth album, simply titled Moby Grape '69. The liner notes by producer David Rubinson refer to the promotional hype that soured many fans to the virtues of Moby Grape and the excesses that had dogged the group since, and while his mea culpa goes a great deal further than it needs to, it does accompany an album that clearly found Moby Grape eager to get back to the business of playing straightforward, heartfelt rock & roll. Moby Grape '69 is concise enough -- most of the songs are under three minutes and the whole thing clocks in at a shade under a half-hour -- and the high points come close to recapturing the electric magic of the group's nearly flawless debut, especially the gritty groove of "Hoochie," the doo wop influenced boogie of "Ooh Mama Ooh," the beatific joy of "It's a Beautiful Day Today," the raucous celebration of one "Trucking Man," and the folk-tinged wisdom of "If You Can't Learn from My Mistakes." However, even though these sessions found guitarists Peter Lewis and Jerry Miller, bassist Bob Mosley and drummer Don Stevenson playing and singing at the top of their game and writing fine songs, the absence of Skip Spence, who left the band after Wow, robs Moby Grape '69 of a significant share of the energy and drive that was the hallmark of their finest studio work. It's significant that the album's most striking cut, the closer "Seeing," was written by Spence during the Wow sessions; it's a harrowing meditation of madness that may well be Spence's greatest song. Despite the obstacles presented by Spence's absence, Moby Grape '69 was a genuine step in the right direction for the band, and it's a shame they didn't get the chance to take greater advantage of their new clarity." All Music Guide - Mark Deming more
Moby Grape '69
Used - LP - CS 9696
Beautiful 1969 360 Stereo Original. 1C/1C Matrixes. more
Moby Grape '69
New - LP - LP 5228
Sealed, Out Of Print 2007 180gm HQ Reissue. more
Moby Grape (1984 Reunion)
New - LP - SFS 04830
Sealed 1983 Gatefold Original With Custom San Francisco Sound Limited Edition Sticker On Rear Shrink Wrap. more
Moby Grape (1984 Reunion)
Used - LP - SFS 04830
1983 Non-Gatefold Original In Shrink Wrap. Grape Going Country-Rock! more
Moby Grape (1984 Reunion)
New - LP - SFS 04830
Sealed 1983 US original; Non-gatefold cover. Tiny corner ding. "The Grape go country-rock and pull it off". AMG - Jeff Tamarkin. more
Murder In My Heart
New - LP - ED 171
Factory Sealed 1986 UK LP Featuring Unique Cover Art. more
New - LP - KH 30392
Sealed 1973 Reissue Of Moby Grape '69, Minus 2 Songs. more
Truly Fine Citizen
Used - LP - CS 9912
1969 US original Santa Maria pressing with original Columbia company inner. A vibrant copy in VG++/NM- condiotion. "1969's Truly Fine Citizen was the last gasp for the original incarnation of Moby Grape. The departures of guitarist Skip Spence and bassist Bob Mosley had reduced the once-mighty band to a trio, and sessionman Bob Moore had to be brought in to fill out the lineup. Columbia Records decided Moby Grape needed a break from producer and studio collaborator David Rubinson, and they were sent to Nashville to record with Bob Johnston, best known for his work with Bob Dylan. Johnston reportedly began the sessions by announcing the album had to be recorded in a mere three days, and if the musicians didn't like it they were free to leave. And Moby Grape were in the midst of an ugly legal dispute with their manager that resulted in most of the songs on the album being credited to Tom Dell'ara, their road manager. Given all this, it's a pleasant surprise that Truly Fine Citizen isn't a disaster -- it's a loose but amiable set of sunny psychedelic pop-rock with a decided country influence. Guitarists Peter Lewis and Jerry Miller had already shown their country leanings on Moby Grape '69, and here it comes to the forefront with some solid Nashville-style picking, and their harmonies with drummer Don Stevenson remain one of the highlights of the group's sound. There are a few good songs on board, including "Looper" (which had been in the Grape's repertoire since their earliest days), the sunny "Changes, Circles Spinning" and the title cut, a tribute to a mystic healer the band had met on the road. But Truly Fine Citizen was basically a rush job recorded to finish out Moby Grape's contract with Columbia, and too much of the time that's just what it sounds like, despite the obvious talent of the musicians, and the jazzy "Love Song, Pt. Two" and "Now I Know High," which at 6:14 meanders twice as long as the album's second longest tune, are clear filler on an album that's barely over a half-hour long. Moby Grape were still capable of making a good album when they cut Truly Fine Citizen, but they scarcely had the opportunity to demonstrate that." AMG - Mark Deming. more
Truly Fine Citizen
Used - LP - CS 9912
Beautiful 360 Stereo Original. 1C/1C Stampers. more
Used - LP - SFS 04801M
80's Gatefold Reissue Via San Francisco Sound. Small Amount Of Seam Wear & Split On Top. Small Corner ding. more
Used - LP - SF 04801M
Beautiful 1968 Gatefold Original. 360 Stereo Labels, B1/B1 Stampers. Appears Unplayed. more
New - LP - 5226
Sealed 2007 Gatefold Reissue. more
Used - LP - CS 9613
1968 Original 2-Eye, 360 Stereo Gatefold Original. 1B/1B Stampers. Santa Maria Pressing, Only Album Title "Wow" Printed On Label. Gentle Corner Rubs. more
Used - LP - CS 9613
1968 US original 2-Eye gatefold Santa Maria pressing. VG+ cover with light shelf scuff and edge wear. Label just has title "Wow" printed. "Between the time that Moby Grape released their brilliant self-titled debut and when their second album Wow appeared in 1968, a little thing called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band happened, and for the next few years it was no longer enough for a band with some claim to importance to just play rock & roll, even if they approached it with the freshness and imagination Moby Grape displayed on their first LP. Bowing to the pervading influences of the day, Wow is a far more ambitious album than Moby Grape, trading in the latter's energetic simplicity for an expansive production complete with strings, horns, and lots of willful eccentricity, best typified by the helium-treated vocals on the hillbilly pastiche "Funky Tunk" and "Just Like Gene Autry: A Foxtrot," a woozy '60s dance band number complete with introduction from Arthur Godfrey (the band went so far as to master the tune at 78 rpm on the original vinyl edition). While at first glance Wow pales in comparison to the instant classic Moby Grape, repeated listening reveals this album has plenty of strengths despite the excess gingerbread; the horn-driven boogie of "Can't Be So Bad" swings hard, "Murder in My Heart for the Judge" is a tough and funky blues number, "He," "Rose Colored Eyes," and "Bitter Wind" are lovely folk-rock tunes with shimmering harmonies (even if the latter is marred by a pretentious noise collage at the close), and "Motorcycle Irene" is a witty tribute to a hard-livin' biker mama. Wow lacks the rev-it-up spirit of Moby Grape's masterpiece, but Peter Lewis, Jerry Miller, and Skip Spence's guitar work is just as impressive and richly layered, and the group's harmonies and songwriting chops are still in solid shape. While the unobtrusive production on Moby Grape showcased the group's many virtues, those attributes are visible on Wow despite the layers of studio excess, which sapped the momentum and charm of this band without snuffing them out altogether." AMG - Mark Deming. more
Wow / Grape Jam
New - LP - CXS 3 / CS 9613 /
Factory Sealed 2LP Package. For A Very Short While These Two 360 Stereo Label Originals Were Sealed Together As A Package (This Is One Of The Rarest Copies With A Custom Blue Sticker And Separate Catalog Number-CSX 3). Both Albums Come In Their Original Jackets (Wow Is Housed In A Heavy-Duty Gatefold) With Original Catalog Numbers. A Rare Piece From One Of The Most Versatile Bands To Come Out Of The San Francisco Bay Area. Must Be One Of The Few Sealed Copies On The Planet. more
Wow / Grape Jam
New - LP - CXS 3 / CS 9613
Factory Sealed 2LP Package. For A Very Short While These Two 360 Stereo Label Originals Were Sealed Together As A Package (This Is One Of The Rarest Copies With A Custom Blue Sticker And Separate Catalog Number-CSX 3) Plus A Promotional Sticker On The Shrink Wrap. Both Albums Come In Their Original Jackets (Wow Is Housed In A Heavy-Duty Gatefold) With Original Catalog Numbers. A Rare Piece From One Of The Most Versatile Bands To Come Out Of The San Francisco Bay Area. Must Be One Of The Few Sealed Copies On The Planet. more

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